#Rafael Uribe Uribe
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manessha545 · 8 months ago
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Rafael Uribe Uribe, Medellín, Colombia: The Rafael Uribe Uribe Palace of Culture is a public building in Medellín, that houses cultural programs related to the Department of Antioquia, such as concerts, conferences, and art exhibitions. Belgian architect Agustín Goovaerts designed the building in a Gothic Revival style. Wikipedia
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persefreepress · 8 months ago
El nuevo Astor Cultural
Desde hace 93 años, Medellín abrió sus puertas a un repostero suizo que trajo consigo el arte de crear exquisitas delicias. Este legado perdura hasta hoy, manteniendo viva la tradición de elaborar moros, chocolates, turrones y los emblemáticos "arrancamuelas".
El Astor abre una nueva sede en el Palacio de la Cultura Rafael Uribe Uribe, un nuevo lugar lleno de magia para celebrar, enamorar y ser parte de esta nueva historia.
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mares-libres · 3 months ago
Fernanda Álvarez Ramírez
Suggey Borja González
Gessuri López Gutiérrez
Rafael Rito Uribe
Anyel Iván Rodríguez Velázquez
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acapulcopress · 6 months ago
IDEA acusa a México, Colombia y Brasil de tolerar dictadura de Maduro en Venezuela
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MIAMI, Fla. * 14 de agosto 2024. ) Efe Un grupo de 32 exjefes de Estado arremetieron este miércoles contra los gobiernos de Brasil, Colombia y México por sumarse al propósito del dictador Nicolás Maduro de mantenerse en el poder, lo que resulta "escandaloso" y significa un verdadero atraco al derecho democrático interamericano. Los exmandatarios, que forman parte de la Iniciativa Democrática de España y las
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Américas (IDEA), alertaron además de que Maduro pretende incluso promover nuevas elecciones, una acción que "anularía la voluntad popular ya expresada de manera inequívoca" en las urnas el pasado 28 de julio. Semejante acción, prosigue IDEA, desconocería la "derrota incuestionable de la dictadura de Maduro", como lo corroboran los informes técnicos de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) y del Centro Carter. Se refiere además este grupo al informe de un panel de expertos de la ONU que reconoce que las actas de la oposición "exhiben todos los dispositivos de seguridad de los protocolos originales de los resultados" electorales. Mientras que el anuncio del resultado realizado por el Consejo Nacional Venezolano (CNE), que proclamó ganador a Maduro "sin la divulgación de resultados tabulados a los candidatos, no tiene precedentes en elecciones democráticas contemporáneas". A juicio de los exjefes de gobierno, la ONU y la OEA han establecido que la administración de justicia en Venezuela "carece totalmente de independencia e imparcialidad y es cómplice necesaria en los crímenes de lesa humanidad que hoy conoce la Corte Penal Internacional". Denunció IDEA que ya suman miles los prisioneros y desaparecidos, con un número importante de asesinatos y torturas a raíz de las pasadas elecciones presidenciales. Sostiene que "la dictadura venezolana" pretende, además, "diluir la responsabilidad jurídica de quienes falsificaron los resultados electorales" mediante la intervención del Poder Electoral, el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, la cúpula de la Fuerza Armada y el Ministerio Público. "De tolerar los mencionados gobiernos, los planes del dictador venezolano y sus poderes públicos coaligados comprometen el respeto al comportamiento democrático universal y lo hacen ante sus propias naciones", destaca el comunicado de IDEA. El proclamado triunfo de Maduro por el Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) para un tercer mandato consecutivo ha sido rechazado y calificado de fraude por la oposición mayoritaria y cuestionado por varios gobiernos extranjeros y grupos de vigilancia internacional. La declaración fue firmada por los expresidentes de Costa Rica, Óscar Arias, Carlos Alvarado, Rafael Ángel Calderón, Laura Chinchilla, José María Figueres, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez y Luis Guillermo Solís; de España, José María Aznar y Mariano Rajoy; de México, Vicente Fox y Felipe Calderón; de Colombia, Iván Duque, Andrés Pastrana y Álvaro Uribe, y de Argentina, Mauricio Macri. También la suscriben los exmandatarios Mario Abdo Benítez, Federico Franco y Juan Carlos Wasmosy (Paraguay); Nicolás Ardito, Mireya Moscoso y Ernesto Pérez Valladares (Panamá); Alfredo Cristiani (El Salvador); Eduardo Frei (Chile); Osvaldo Hurtado, Guillermo Lasso, Jamil Mahuad y Lenin Moreno (Ecuador); Hipólito Mejía (República Dominicana); Julio María Sanguinetti y Luis Alberto Lacalle (Uruguay), y Carlos Mesa y Jorge Tuto Quiroga (Bolivia). www.acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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lavozs · 7 months ago
🔴Programa 5.607 de LA VOZ SILENCIOSA - Programa de Radio en Directo
Las distintas verdades, de Eloy Moreno.
Caperuza de feroz tras la piel del lobo
Oney Uribe y Carmen Gálvez
El pequeño libro de las grandes anécdotas, de Gregorio Doval.
3. Clientes y empleados (176 a 178)
Definición de cóndor, de la web definicion.de
Las moras y los brazales
La costilla de Adam, de Rafael Salcedo Ramírez.
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escallonlloreda · 11 months ago
Notas de Urología #45
Publicación Científica Integración Mundial Abril 2024 Boletín #45(138) Comité Editorial: Milton Salazar Rey, MD; Rafael Castellanos Acosta, MD; William Quiroga Matamoros, MD; Hugo Enrique López Ramos, MD; Rafael Andrés Clavijo Rodríguez, MD; Roberto Iván Giraldo Álvarez, MD; Daniel Sánchez Sierra, MD. Editores Invitados: Manuel Díaz Caro, MD; Juan Fernando Uribe Arcila, MD; Jaime Andrés…
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laopiniononline · 11 months ago
160 familias quillotanas abrieron las puertas de sus nuevas viviendas de integración social del Minvu.
Nueva publicación en https://ct2.cl/fz
160 familias quillotanas abrieron las puertas de sus nuevas viviendas de integración social del Minvu.
Desde ahora, el proyecto Peumayén Norte ya está comenzando a ser habitado por sus propietarios y propietarios quienes, junto a las autoridades, cortaron la cinta luego de comenzar a recibir sus llaves.
Cercano a colegios, comercio y al centro de la comuna de Quillota se encuentra el recientemente inaugurado condominio Peumayén Norte, que con sus ocho torres de cinco pisos se hace notar como un naciente barrio en calle Rafael Ariztía cerca de la línea ferroviaria que cruza la ciudad.
La Seremi de Vivienda y Urbanismo de la región, Belén Paredes, señaló que “estamos muy contentas porque entregamos 40 viviendas de sectores vulnerables del condominio Peumayen Norte en la comuna de Quillota. Este es un conjunto habitacional del programa de Integración Social y Territorial que va a beneficiar en total a 160 familias. Esto va a permitir que cuenten con departamentos con aislación térmica, piso flotante, equipamientos comunitarios, accesibilidad universal, que hablan de la calidad de las viviendas que entregamos como ministerio. Todo esto en el marco del Plan de Emergencia Habitacional.
Cada una de estas ocho torres contiene 20 departamentos, lo que se distribuyen en diferentes tipologías. Así lo explicó el director de Serviu, Rodrigo Uribe, al señalar que “estas viviendas son de dos y tres dormitorios, emplazados para aprovechas la luz del día, lo que les brinda una muy buena calidad de vida a las familias beneficiadas con este proyecto que estamos inaugurado. Además, uno de estos departamentos está acondicionado para personas con movilidad reducida o discapacidad, con puertas más anchas para el acceso, así como también facilidades para poder llegar a la cocina y al baño, lo que eleva aún más el estándar que estamos entregando en Quillota”, señaló la autoridad.
Junto con lo anterior, la obra habitacional cuenta con espacios al aire libre para el esparcimiento de la comunidad y la entretención de los más chicos. Es decir, plazas con juegos infantiles y también zonas con máquinas de ejercicios.
Estos aspectos que fueron valorados por el alcalde de la comuna, Óscar Calderón al sostener que se constituye un nuevo y buen barrio para las familias. “Tenemos vecinos y vecinas que están conformando un nuevo barrio que, además tiene la particularidad de tener acceso a la locomoción, a los servicios públicos como educación, salud y también a los servicios alimentarios. Yo creo que estas son las noticias que a uno le gusta participar, llenan el alma, dan energía para seguir trabajando en lo público”.
En tanto el delegado presidencial provincial, José Orrego, agregó que “sabemos que tenemos un déficit de 600 mil viviendas y este Gobierno del Presidente Gabriel Boric se propuso disminuirla con la construcción de 260 mil viviendas. Además, estamos aportando en barrios que tienen inclusión con el Programa DS19. Hoy tenemos 40 familias que se van a integrar a este conjunto habitacional excelentemente bien ubicado en Quillota”.
Propietarios y propietarias felices:
Teresa López es una de las mujeres que junto a su familia hoy recibió las llaves de su hogar propio. Con evidente emoción recordó que por cerca de una década estuvo buscando la opción de conseguir una solución definitiva y la encontró en este proyecto al que arriba junto a sus hijos.
“De hecho aún todavía no lo creo que se logró, porque fueron hartos años, a costa de hartas cosas y harto sacrificio también. Pero aún no asumo que esto es de nosotros y en un lugar tan lindo” manifestó esta beneficiaria que llegará desde San Pedro a su nueva casa.
Por su parte, Mariela Olivares podrá dejar de arrendar y al abrir la puerta de su departamento del cuarto piso de la torre 7 dijo estar muy contenta, porque ya es algo propio. “Estábamos esperando que llegara el día y llegó, así que feliz. Por lo menos, ya estoy con mi hija y mi familia para poder tener lo nuestro porque estábamos arrendando”.
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elpaditv · 1 year ago
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El presidente de la federación de baloncesto Rafael Uribe fue entrevistado por Hecmary Ugarte para CDN Deportes y le comentó que el Che García le dijo que, que iba a estar en la ventana con nosotros el 23 de febrero 2024 donde la selección de baloncesto de la República Dominicana se enfrenta en el Palacio de los Deportes a México.
En dado caso que pase cualquier situación aclaró que tiene siempre plan A,B o C. Pero que el entiende que sí que a pesar de la lejania de donde labora siempre hablan.
RafaelUribe #SeleccionNacionalDeBaloncesto #elPadiTV
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divierteteetb · 1 year ago
¡Arma plan con la ruta navideña de Bogotá 2023!
En #ETBDigital tenemos los mejores lugares para que esta navidad armes plan con tu familia, tu novio o novia, tus amigos o quien quieras para pasar un rato bien navideño, lleno de luces y nuevas experiencias en Bogotá. 
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En los siguientes lugares encontrarás alumbrados navideños:
Parque el Cuadrado (Barrios Unidos)
Parque San Felipe (Barrios Unidos)
Parque de los Novios (Barrios Unidos)
Plaza Fundacional de Bosa (Bosa)
Parque Vecinal El Nogal (Chapinero)
Parque de Lourdes  (Chapinero)
Zona T (Chapinero)
Plazoletas Parque del Virrey  (Chapinero)
Parque de los Hippies (Chapinero)
Fachada edificio Enel calle 93 (Chapinero)
Parque Illimani (Ciudad Bolívar)
Plazoleta frente Alcaldía Local  (Ciudad Bolívar)
Plazoleta Engativá Pueblo (Engativa)
Plazoleta Fundacional Fontibon (Fontibon)
Fachada Alcaldía Local Kennedy (Kennedy)
Calle 10 desde carrera 2 hasta carrera 7 (La Candelaria)
Plaza del Chorro de Quevedo (La Candelaria)
Carrera 7a de la calle 10 a la calle 30 (La Candelaria)
Parque Alcalá (Puente Aranda)
Polideportivo Quiroga (Rafael Uribe Uribe)
Parque Metropolitano San Cristóbal (San Cristóbal)
Plazoleta Santander (Santa Fe)
Plazoleta de las Nieves (Santa Fe)
Parque de la Independencia (Santa Fe)
Plaza de la Santamaría  (Santa Fe)
Carrera 7a de la calle 10 a la calle 30  (Santa Fe)
Plazoleta Fundacional de Suba (Suba)
Parque Guernika (Teusaquillo)
Calle 53 entre la Av. Caracas a la carrera 24 (Teusaquillo)
Parque Venecia (Tunjuelito)
Parque San Carlos (Tunjuelito)
Plazoleta Fundacional de Usaquén (Usaquén)
Plazoleta Fundacional Usme Pueblo  (Usme)
Parque la Aurora (Usme)
Además de que puedes hacer estos súper planes en Bogotá:
Monserrate: El emblemático cerro  de monserrate se vistió de navidad sobre los lunes, sábados y festivos el costo será de $27.000 por persona, ida y regreso; los domingos tendrán un precio reducido de $16.000 por persona, ida y regreso.
Jardín Botánico: Este año tienen el evento navideño llamado “MajestuOSOS”, un homenaje al “Espíritu del Agua” y a aquellos animales que nos representan como el colibrí, el oso de anteojos y el cóndor de los Andes. El costo es de $30.000 por persona. 
Tren de la Sabana Navideño: Las boletas, con un costo de $60.000 por persona, están disponibles en la página web de Tu Boleta, así como en puntos físicos y líneas de atención.
¿Ya estás listo para conectarte con lo mejor de la navidad en Bogotá? Vive esta época rodeado de las personas que más hacen bonito tu mundo y conecta con aquellos que están más lejos. En ETB tenemos los mejores planes de internet fibra óptica y de datos móviles para tu celular, ingresa aquí para más información o síguenos en nuestras redes sociales para más información y blogs, encuéntranos en Facebook como: ETB.Colombia, en Twitter: @ETB y @ETBsoluciones  y en YouTube: ETBCorporativo ¡Te esperamos!
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diarioelpepazo · 1 year ago
  Sigue sin poder marcarle a los neogranadinos en partidos oficiales. Los dirigidos por Fernando Batista cayeron derrotados por la mínima diferencia ante los cafeteros  Reimer Carreño El estadio Monumental de Barranquilla se vistió de gala para recibir el inicio de las Eliminatorias Suramericanas rumbo al Mundial Estados Unidos-México y Canadá 2026, donde Colombia y Venezuela se midieron quedando 1-0 en el marcador a favor de los cafeteros. El primer tiempo bajo un sistema 4-3-3 de Venezuela se defendi�� perfectamente, Wilker Ángel y Yordan Osorio salvaguardaron muy el pórtico tricolor ante las embestidas de los colombianos. La primera gran ocasión llega en el minuto 20, tras una jugada elaborada en el costado derecho que finalizó en centro de Jefferson Savarino a Yangel Herrera y su remate de cabeza pasó cerca del bajante derecho. Los cafeteros tuvieron la suya al finalizar la primera mitad ante un disparo de Mateus Uribe pero que el arquero, Rafa Romo repelió sin problemas. Para la segunda mitad, el seleccionado de Colombia salió embalado a conquistar el gol, y fue en apenas el minuto 46’ que este apareció. Un centro excelente de Jhon Arias a la cabeza de Rafael Santos Borré que con un testarazo venció a Romo para el gol en Barranquilla. Josef Martínez y Yeferson Soteldo ingresaron al 56 por Savarino y Herrera en la Vinotinto, para tratar de explotar las bandas generando peligro y cambiando a un 4-4-2. Pese al intento, el gol de los dirigidos por Batista no llegó, mientras que los colombianos aguantaron el compromiso para así llevarse sus primeros tres puntos en las Eliminatorias Suramericanas. Tras este resultado los criollos tienen 615 minutos sin marcar un gol contra la Tricolor en partidos no amistosos, es la racha es la mayor en los enfrentamientos históricos por puntos entre ambas selecciones. Ahora, Venezuela tiene su segundo partido el martes en Maturín ante Paraguay y Colombia contra Chile.   Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano
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mares-libres · 3 months ago
Apreciación y Expresión del Arte
Cultura Ambiental
Dibujo y Representación Estetica
Estrategias para la resolución de problemas
Fernanda Álvarez Ramírez
Suggey Borja González
Gessuri López Gutiérrez
Rafael Rito Uribe
Anyel Iván Rodríguez Velázquez
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ivanreycristo · 2 years ago
x cierto..Hoy 19 mayo 2023 se cumple 1 año de que viera en VILLARREAL a VIRGINIA MAESTRO por sus fiestas y como telonera de Ana CURRA de PARALISIS PERMANENTE [único LP al morir su novio y cantante en accidente salvandose ella..fue "EL ACTO" x el SEXUAL O COITO q incluye ADICTO A LA LUJURIA o AUTOSUFICIENCIA O APRENDIZ DE BRUJA siendo un single suelto QUIERO SER SANTA q es una mofa de las SANTAS MORTIFICADAS CATOLICAS] tras estar x la tarde en la adjunta playa de BURR_I_ANA donde entonces con 44 años empezaba a INCUBAR el ELA el empresario de la ceramica LOPEZ LLOPIS que murió en 9 meses coincidiendo con el gran hostion en el Europeo de Atletismo de Turquía [poco después de su Terremoto con más de 20.000 muertos] del saltador de Vallas QUIQUE LLOPIS=Cantautor ARGENTINO de ROSARIO, SANTA FE q musicalizo a poeta RAFAEL ALBERTI nacido y fallecido en el PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA=grupo ME_LOCOS cuyo cantante Gonzalo ALCINA grabó GLORIA en su cd VERTIGO Y TRANQUILIDAD con VIRGINIA MAESTRO q entonces le dio un ME GUSTA a mi tweet sobre un Camion pintado en ROJO con WALL OF DEATH y con un cartel de una PIN UP limpiando una Harley q fotografie y recorde entonces del Festival de VITORIA'19 en el q vi la gira 30 aniversario de cd SONIC TEMPLE q contiene SUN KING de the CULT
Al día siguiente vi a AMISTADES PELIGROSAS empezar con GENESIS del cd LA ULTIMA TENTACION dentro de una discografía muy reveladora en el regreso y reunión de la ex_pareja sentimental q la formaba como es Alberto COMESAÑA del grupo SEMEN UP con el q puso la BSO de TU NOVIA ESTA LOCA con una canción homónima y en la q debuto MARIA=Virgen BARRANCO=Precipicio ..seguida de EL ELEGIDO y la cual se divorcio del director de DIAS CONTADOS imanol URIBE nacido en EL SALVADOR.
...luego tocaron OBK q debutaron con cd LLAMALO SUEÑO y cd MOMENTOS DE FE..y después la cantante original de OLE OLE Vicky LARRAZ q tuvo x exito entonces "CONSPIRACION" y q en 2012 público el single EARTHQUAKE..pero no me quedé a verlo xq iba a beber demasiado y tenia q conducir la HARLEY parandome la GUARDIA CIVIL para SOPLAR y di negativo x poco
X cierto.. Virginia Maestro empezo con LONELINESS (=SOL_EDAD) y me decidi ir a verla xq dias antes supe de la existencia de la MODELO Y PRESENTADORA argentina SOL-EDAD VILLARREAL nacida en LAS PAREJAS, SANTA FE
You love that I'm a broken heart
You love that I'm a broken heart
Every time I fall I wake
But I can't veil my ache
Torn in half
My fate is like a snake
The poison fill my veins
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abensica · 2 years ago
Ya van 687 extorsiones denunciadas en lo que va del año en Bogotá; aunque las autoridades aseguran que son muchas más, pero que las personas no denuncian por miedo a los delincuentes violentos.
El Tren de Aragua es uno de los grupos más mencionados por las víctimas que no solo son comerciantes sino también vendedores informales y  transportadores. Muchas de las amenazas se hacen desde Venezuela por whatsapp.
La extorsión es solo uno de los modus operandi de renta para estos grupos criminales, como además lo son el microtráfico y el comercio de armas.
Las 6 localidades más afectadas por la extorsión violenta en Bogotá son: Suba, Kennedy, Engativá, Puente Aranda, Rafael Uribe y Santa Fe.
¡Alerta a las 3 modalidades de extorsión más comunes!
Llamadas que fingen ser un familiar en peligro
Robo de carro o moto y solicitud de dinero para devolverlo
Envío de enlaces de internet que al abrirse genera acceso a toda la información del dispositivo
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
The Reinvention of the Latin American Right
Original url: https://nacla.org/reinvention-latin-american-right Across the hemisphere and beyond, right-wing forces are leveraging the power of internationalism to galvanize hardline “resistance” against a new wave of leftist governments.
April 11, 2023 Luis Herrán-Ávila
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▲ Pictured: Eduardo Bolsonaro (second from left) speaks alongside Eduardo Verástegui (left) at CPAC 2022 in Florida, February 26, 2022. (VOX ESPAÑA / CC0 1.0)
In November 2022, key figures of the Latin America Right gathered at an upscale hotel in Mexico City. On stage, the main organizer, Eduardo Verástegui, a Mexican actor, producer, and former advisor to Donald Trump on policies concerning the Latino community, gifted a Mexican football jersey to Brazilian lawmaker Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of the then-outgoing president. The jersey’s number, 27, alluded to Bolsonaro as a possible presidential candidate in Brazil's 2027 elections. As Verástegui harshly attacked the Left and the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Bolsonaro in turn praised him as a potential far-right candidate in Mexico’s 2024 elections, eliciting cheers from the crowd. For Verástegui, the conference represented conservative unity at a time when “the true Right” found itself “orphaned.”
The rallying force behind the event was the U.S.-based Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). In addition to Bolsonaro, the hundreds of attendees included defeated Chilean presidential candidate José Antonio Kast and Argentine libertarian economist and presidential hopeful Javier Milei. Mexico was represented by clerics, former legislators from the center-right Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), and anti-abortion activists.
Former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe gave a short and lackluster address, while Senator María Fernanda Cabal, a rising star of the Colombian Right who was introduced to the audience as “the iron maiden against communism,” gave a fiery one. Ghosts from the past were present as well, such as Ramfis Domínguez-Trujillo, grandson of Dominican despot Rafael Trujillo, and Zury Ríos, current Guatemalan presidential candidate and daughter of convicted genocidaire General Efraín Ríos Montt.
U.S. political figures made appearances, most via videoconference. Propagandist Steve Bannon, Senator Ted Cruz, former U.S. ambassador to Mexico Chris Landau, conservative pundit Jack Posobiec, and CPAC's leading power couple Matt and Mercedes Schlapp all boasted about the growing strength of the conservative cause across the Americas. Even Donald Trump delivered a short, rather tepid video message, which the audience nevertheless noisily applauded. Europe, too, had a small but meaningful representation. A message from Santiago Abascal, head of the Spanish party Vox, met a warm reception, while Polish anticommunist icon Lech Walesa delivered a rambling keynote address that was not nearly as combative as those of his U.S. and Latin American peers.
CPAC Mexico was an occasion for reckoning. Contrary to the optimism that followed Trump’s and Bolsonaro’s elections and the fall of Evo Morales in Bolivia, recent defeats in Chile, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Honduras, and Brazil seem to have put right-wing forces against the ropes. Yet these losses have galvanized conservatives, who, like they have in the past, are turning to internationalism to bolster their rise. Even in defeat, recent elections across the continent reveal that right-wing platforms are not only viable, but popular and capable of rallying grassroots and elite sectors, building coalitions, and gaining power in local and national arenas.
Three decades after the end of the Cold War and the consolidation of a widespread consensus supporting electoral democracy, the Old Right has sprung back as a seemingly good faith participant in the democratic game. This right wing sits at a crossroads. Given the decline of established center-right parties like Venezuela’s COPEI or Chile’s Christian Democratic Party over the past 20 years, a new constellation of hardline conservative actors is uniting internationally against new enemies like “globalism,” “gender ideology,” and “the gay lobby.”
But the roots of their grievances are decades old: their Cold War battles did not collapse with the fall of the Soviet Bloc, but rather they reconfigured in opposition to the 1990 creation of the São Paulo Forum (FSP), a continent-wide alliance of leftist and reformist parties, and with the rise of left-leaning Pink Tide governments in the early 2000s. Old tropes about communist subversion are joined today by warnings against “cultural Marxism” and its “woke,” progressive, feminist, and “politically correct” incarnations.
Fifty years before the CPAC Mexico gathering, Mexico City hosted a different mixture of fervent conservative crusaders. In 1972, the World Anti-Communist League, created in 1966 in the heat of the Vietnam War to foster a united international anticommunist front, held its first meeting outside of Asia. Thanks to its active anticommunist movement, Mexico was chosen as host. Activists welcomed over 300 committed cold warriors to Mexico City from around the world, including officials from Taiwan, Korea, South Vietnam, Guatemala, Paraguay, and Nicaragua; Cuban exiles; former fascist collaborators from Germany, Croatia, and Ukraine; Middle Eastern and African activists; and Latin American clerics and university students, among many others. For the Mexicans, it was a moment of pride and the culmination of decades of domestic and international activism, lobbying, fundraising, and proselytizing.
The WACL was the offspring of the Asian People’s Anti-Communist League, a 1950s effort by East Asian governments to push back against Cold War neutralism and “contain” communist China. In the 1970s, as military regimes swept across most of Latin America and initiatives emerged for interstate collaboration against communism, most of them brokered by the United States, entities such as WACL provided spaces for expanding these alliances.
A major ally of the Reagan administration, the WACL became a global platform for U.S. neoconservatives such as Senator Jesse Helms and retired Major General John K. Singlaub, as well as for powerful religious organizations including Korean religious leader Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church. During the 1972 conference in Mexico, Latin American members founded the Latin American Anti-Communist Confederation (CAL), which soon included top civilian and military figures from across the region and became a key component of the multinational state terror initiative known as Operation Condor. The CAL also fueled conflict in Central America with fighters, funding, weapons, and a well-oiled propaganda machine.
While 50 years apart, the 1972 and the 2022 summits in Mexico are kindred spirits. Yet, unlike the East Asian-dominated WACL, CPAC’s clear center is in the Western Hemisphere, specifically the United States, and it traces its origins to the U.S. “New Right” of the 1960s and the conservative response to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. But CPAC has become increasingly less U.S.-centric. Meetings in Brazil, Japan, Australia, Hungary, Israel, and now Mexico are evidence of the willingness of Latin American and other global allies to participate in its expanding network.
At CPAC Mexico 2022, Eduardo Bolsonaro and Verástegui repeated Jair Bolsonaro’s claim that his defeat was the product of electoral fraud—a favored right-wing tactic for discrediting elections. At the same time, conservatives rejoiced in the defeat of Chile’s progressive draft constitution in the September 2022 plebiscite, which José Antonio Kast previously deemed a victory against “the ideology and the violence of the few.” In the political world the Right inhabits, the battle has just begun and is as wide and hostile as they ever imagined it.
Right-Wing Resistance?
In recent years, the idea of “resistance” has become central to the Right’s political imagination. According to journalist and researcher Pablo Stefanoni, the Right’s success in positioning itself as the rebel victim of a globalist-progressive “establishment” allows it to compete with the Left in “being outraged about reality and propose ways to transform it.” For Stefanoni, the phenomenon is related to the fact that “the Left has stopped reading the Right, while the Right, at least the ‘alt-right,’ reads and discusses the Left.” While arguable and perhaps simplifying, this perspective has been borne out at CPAC’s Latin American summits: the Right is evidently adept at constructing an image of their leftist-progressive enemies, in picking apart and weaponizing their discourse, and in capitalizing on anti-establishment rhetoric to position their pro-life, pro-business, pro-traditional family messages in mainstream channels and among a sizable support base.
Claims about a political landscape in which globalism and nationalism have displaced left and right distinctions often ring hollow in the ears of these conservatives. Despite its different tendencies, the Right is trying to build a clear sense of unity against its enemies. On stage at CPAC Mexico, combative taunting of zurdos (lefties), progres (progressives) and la derechita cobarde (the petty cowardly Right) combined with a slew of calls to defend free enterprise, private property, the traditional family, and life from conception on. Religious slogans such as “Viva Cristo Rey” (Long Live Christ the King) and appeals to defend Christianity and religious freedom abounded. Messages about combat, battle, and struggle against “globalism”—a malleable term that often encompasses the Left, feminism, and LGBTQI+ groups—are key to the Right’s discursive arsenal.
At CPAC Mexico, a bombastic Javier Milei, self-avowed champion of libertarianism and one of the current stars of the Latin American Right, claimed: “We are superior in economic ideas and in moral values.” Cheered in typical football fashion—“Olé, olé, olé, olé, Milei, Milei”—the Argentine highlighted the persistent “cultural and political battle” after the fall of the Berlin Wall. “Cultural Marxism,” said Milei, “has carried class struggle into other spheres,” such as the “non-sensical and unnatural fight” of “man against woman” waged by radical feminists, or the “battle for the murder of the unborn.” Milei accused leftists and progressives of using “the works of Antonio Gramsci” to coopt the media and usurp the educational and cultural apparatus to impose their “violent and murderous agenda.” After extolling free market capitalism, Milei ended his speech with a cry for battle: “When you confront the socialists, don’t put your head down. Fight back … Viva la libertad, carajo!”
With its emphasis on culture as a battlefield, the conference as a whole reflected Milei’s self-righteous, combative tone. Eduardo B olsonaro alluded to regrouping for future combat and the incessant fight against communism, not as an ideology, but as a movement that changes names—socialism, progressivism—and promises equality while allegedly delivering only misery and death. He recalled how the Brazilian people precipitated the push for Dilma Rousseff ’s 2016 impeachment with mass protests in 2013. “We broke the monopoly of the Left on the streets,” he said. Eventually rallied around the figure of his father, then a member of Congress, the movement lacked party structures but had the power of “the people,” he continued. Referring to his family, he added, “We are victims of a system.” This perception of being besieged and victimized by unspeakable forces was captured by CPAC Mexico’s social media hashtag: #SomosLaResistencia (WeAreTheResistance). This idea is far from new. The South American military regimes of the 1960s-1980s and their supporters justified their coups as the only means to “resist” the Marxist onslaught. Similarly, the anticommunist Contras in Nicaragua built their international appeal on “resisting” the communist Sandinista regime. Catholic conservatism also has a long history of “resistance” against liberal, secular, and leftist forces. In Mexico, the 1926-1929 religious conflict known as the Cristero War remains a key historical point of reference for the local Right. As Catholic activist Raúl Tortolero, founder of a group called Cristero International Army, reminded the CPAC Mexico audience: “I see myself as the son of the Cristero War, but without weapons. We are cristeros, but in a different way. We defend our religion and our Western values, and we are soldiers of Christ the King.”
Because the past can be weaponized, right-wing resistance has also included a cunning and partisan use of history. Jair Bolsonaro, for instance, has openly praised Brazil’s military dictatorship, and his administration celebrated the anniversary of the 1964 coup. Chile’s Kast has also delved into these memory battles. “What Venezuela is going through today is what Chile lived between 1970 and 1973,” he said at the Latin American prelude to CPAC in December 2018, referencing the policies under socialist president Salvador Allende. Kast also defended the Chilean militar y’s 1973 overthrow of Allende as “following the people’s orders to free Chile from the yoke of Marxism.” Defiant, he continued: “They want to pass laws in Chile to jail people who say these things. Well, come and get me. If I fall, thousands will rise, because we need to rewrite history from our perspective.” Ironically, this runs counter to Kast’s own call to set aside biases and construct “a memory that belongs to all.” Memory is full of minefields, and the Right is well aware of the utility of making them explode.
The Right at Home
After Jair Bolsonaro’s election in 2018, Brazil became a potential home for the “orphaned” Right. In June 2022, São Paulo hosted CPAC Brazil, a smaller, more austere event than CPAC Mexico, but equally vociferous. Eduardo Bolsonaro, one of the conference’s organizers, was joined by Kast, Milei, Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, former Trump advisor Jason Miller, as well as Brazilian legislators, academics, and think-tank personalities. It was the third CPAC event in Brazil since 2019, which, together with Eduardo Bolsonaro’s visit to CPAC 2020 in Washington DC, attests to both the strengthening ties between North and South conservatives and President Bolsonaro’s commitment to nurturing these networks as part of his foreign policy. Encapsulated in his slogan “Biblia, boi, bala” (Bible, beef, bullet), Bolsonaro’s vision for Brazil as an agricultural and industrial powerhouse free from the corrupt globalist Left set an example for other hemispheric allies.
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▲ Pictured: Brazilian Minister of Women, Family, and Human Rights Cristiane Britto and her predecessor, Damares Alves, speak on stage at CPAC Brazil, June 11, 2022. Both served in the position under President Jair Bolsonaro. The the ministry has since reverted to its pre-Bolsonaro name: Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship. Other CPAC Brazil 2022 attendees included Eduardo Bolsonaro, José Antonio Kast, and Javier Milei.
Whether Bolsonaro’s success in the 2018 election and his ongoing support are a direct result of “the Trump effect” in Latin America is arguable. While Trump gave conservatives south of the Rio Grande greater confidence of northern support, Brazil’s internal conditions are also key. These included social frustration over crime and corruption, which Bolsonaro’s campaign channeled in support of a hardline platform, and the radicalization of ideological poles. Monikers like “Tropical Trump”—as if Bolsonaro, whose political career spans decades, was simply an imitator—fall far short.
Yet, it is also true that the Trumpist playbook of riling up supporters based on false claims of electoral fraud became readily available to Brazilian and other Latin American conservatives. The striking parallels between the Trumpist insurrection of January 2021 and the Bolsonarista ransacking of government buildings in January 2023 show that the hemispheric Right is not too concerned with accusations of unoriginality—and they are ready and willing to share strategies. Hence, the charge of “imitation” obfuscates the active and very effective networks of political collaboration historically built by conservatives across the hemisphere, as well as the on-the-ground conditions that make their claims and platforms believable.
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▲ Pictured: Workers clean up smashed glass at Brazil's Congress following the January 8 invasion of Brasília by supporters of far-right former president Jair Bolsonaro, January 10, 2023.
The Latin American Right has its own traditions, needing little handholding from the United States to articulate and deploy them. This is evident with both young figures, like Argentine celebrity author Agustín Laje, a proponent of the Latin American “New Right” and its “cultural battle,” and well-established conservative stalwarts, like the late Olavo de Carvalho, a right-wing pundit who became Bolsonaro’s political guru and spread conspiracy theories about Covid-19, climate change, and the globalist “New World Order.”
Car valho’s ideas influenced Bolsonaro’s inner circles, including his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ernesto Araújo. In an uncharismatic but heartfelt speech at CPAC Brazil 2019, Araújo bashed the Left’s “totalitarian attitude,” political correctness, and gender and climate ideology. Then, insisting that conservatives are not simply defenders of the status quo, he added: “But what do we want? … The answer would be that we want to change the world.” Araújo also claimed that conservatives have an obligation to raise the banners of revolt and indignation, to defend national sovereignty, “true” human rights, “true” environmental protection, and “our faith in Christ.” He concluded: “But the banner of freedom is the most important, and it is ours.” Sitting side-stage on an armchair Eduardo Bolsonaro smiled and nodded enthusiastically.
CPAC Brazil 2019 also welcomed Bertrand of Orléans-Bragança, a supposed heir to the throne of the Brazilian Empire and a long-time member of Tradition, Family, Property (TFP), a multinational traditionalist Catholic organization founded in 1960. “His Highness” focused on Brazil’s need to defend its sovereignty. “The Amazon was never ‘the lung of the world,’” he said. “It will never be … The Amazon is ours and only ours.” He also denied any past or present-day violence against Indigenous peoples and warned against attempts to turn the Amazon into the “first victim” of a “globalizing agenda” of world government.
These claims align squarely with Bolsonarista views of history, with the extractive and pro-agribusiness development project, and with longstanding nationalist distrust of foreign forces encroaching on Brazil’s sovereignty. Like Car valho, “Dom Bertrand,” as he is known among conservatives, represents an intergenerational link with a past rich in traditionalist, monarchist, militarist, anticommunist, and anti-egalitarian ideas.
The Latin American Right must be understood in its own terms, in relation to its “homes” but without isolating it from the broader world. As historian Ben Cowan has argued, the building of conservative “moral majorities” was a transnational project. The U.S.-based “New Right,” such as the American Conservative Union and the Heritage Foundation, collaborated with and even admired their peers in the rest of the continent. This includes the TFP, Dom Bertrand’s home organization, which has been a part of this transnational conservative constellation for decades.
CPAC’s Latin American presence and the impact of Bolsonaro in galvanizing regional forces are more reflective of this shared history, and not of a one-directional process of “export” of U.S.-style culture wars in the age of Trumpism. Subordinating the Latin American Right to northern designs can result in underestimating these forces’ capacity to articulate, deploy, and implement their own intolerant and authoritarian visions.
Disarming “the Resistance”
No longer orphaned, the rising conservative movement in Latin America has found not one home, but many. While the Right is not shy to knock on the northern neighbor’s door when needed, clichéd understandings of the region as subject to the will of the United States, or as defined uniformly by Left or Right swings of the political pendulum, miss the texture of how and when wounded elite and grassroots conservatives realign, regroup, and relaunch. Although local conditions vary, conservative meetings in Mexico and Brazil show that the Right espouses an effective form of internationalism that brings together actors steadfast in their determination to seize more political spaces and garner more airtime, clicks, social media “likes,” and, most importantly, votes.
Responses from the Left are varied. In Brazil, Chile, and Colombia, social protest has been an effective tool against the authoritarian drive of right-wing governments and their apologists, while in Mexico, where the Right remains electorally weak, “conservative” has become the label AMLO uses for his critics, whether on the right or left. What seems urgent is for the Left to question a cartoonish view of their opponents as the puppets of empire, the oligarchs without popular support, or the “nazis,” even if some do espouse extremist ideas. What type of rights-based pluralistic democracy can be built in contexts in which opponents deny each other’s legitimacy and humanity? Can the Left effectively push back and neutralize the Right’s hijacking of the word “rebellion”?
Right-wing platforms and their followers claim the banners of democracy, justice, truth, and freedom while actively undermining their foundations. Today, understanding, without clichés and oversimplifications, the present configurations of conservatism, the views of the world its proponents hold, and how they intend to change it is a political necessity for anyone concerned about the future of democracy.
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gazeta24br · 2 years ago
O Panamá foi o país escolhido para sediar, entre os dias 1 e 4 de março, a sétima edição do Congresso Internacional de Cirurgia Plástica (Highlights of Plastic Surgery), com a participação de especialistas sobre o assunto de diversas partes do mundo. O evento movimentará o Hotel Hilton, localizado na Cidade do Panamá, sendo dividido em duas etapas: o pré-congresso, sobre marketing digital e redes sociais; e o congresso principal, focado em cirurgia plástica, com destaque para as áreas da face, mamas e corpo. Com destaque no segmento estético mundial, o otorrinolaringologista com especialização em rinoplastia o brasileiro Dr. Guilherme Scheibel será um dos destaques do evento. No congresso ele conduzirá três aulas importantes a serem apresentadas pelo especialista aos profissionais presentes sobre “Rinoplastia ESCULTURAL”, além de participar, ao lado do Dr. Arturo Ramirez (México) e do Dr. Juan Diego Mejita (Colômbia), do painel sobre “Rinoplastia”. “Trata-se um dos mais conhecidos eventos direcionados para mercado de cirurgia plástica mundial, e reúne profissionais especializados em rinoplastia de diversos países. No encontro irei apresentar aos especialistas presentes a metodologia criada por mim, PARA ALCANÇAR RESULTADOS MAIS PREVISÍVEIS, BELOS E NATURAIS. Na ocasião farei a apresentação das técnicas E TECNOLOGIAS que desenvolvi, como o OS “MOLDES PARA RINOPLASTIA” e o “METODO TRHW”, explica o Dr. Guilherme Scheibel. O congresso conta com o apoio da Sociedade Internacional de Cirurgiões Plásticos Estéticos (ISAPS), da Associação Panamenha de Cirurgia Plástica Estética e Reconstrutiva (APCPER) e da Faculdade de Medicina Gorgas da Universidade Latina do Panamá. O encontro contará com 12 professores internacionais, que farão as cirurgias ao vivo. Estão confirmados: Johan Nordquist, da Suécia; Arturo Ramirez Montañana, do México; Juan Diego Mejia, Humberto Uribe, Alfredo Hoyos e Lina Triana, da Colômbia; Jesus Centeno Silva, da Espanha; Rafael Sakai e Paulo Godoy, do Brasil; Ricardo Babaitis, da Argentina; Stephan Danilla, do Chile; Steve Cohen, dos Estados Unidos; e o brasileiro Dr. Guilherme Scheibel.
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randybcz · 2 years ago
CÁRCEL PARA ABUSADOR SEXUAL EN SERIE DE BOGOTÁ Édison Javier Lara Valderrama, fue capturado en situación de flagrancia cuando atacaba a una mujer con un destornillador en un lote ubicado en el barrio Diana Turbay de Bogotá. La víctima fue asistida y trasladada al Hospital La Victoria para recibir atención médica. Además, la Fiscalía recibió las denuncias de tres mujeres más, quienes indicaron que Lara Valderrama las habría atacado sexualmente e intimidado de la misma manera en los barrios Diana Turbay y Palermo, en la localidad Rafael Uribe Uribe. Por lo tanto, el juez de control de garantías dispuso que Lara Valderrama deberá cumplir medida de aseguramiento privativa de la libertad en un centro carcelario. https://ift.tt/hOdcpFE February 12, 2023 at 03:30PM
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